
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Viva Nepal!

On the way home from work, today, I stopped at the big, 24 hour Tesco, at the Meadows shopping center, between Camberley, Sandhurst, and Blackwater. I always feel a little bit uncomfortable going to this Tesco, because it's close enough to where I used to live with the Black Queen, that she could be in there. The odds are slim, as there is Tesco much closer to her, right in the village we lived in, but we did, on occasion, stop at the Meadows.
The good thing about this Tesco is that there tend to be a lot of good looking women who seem to shop there, for some reason. The bad thing is that it's always busy and it's hard to get in and out, quickly. I just wanted to pick up a couple of items...Tesco Value Cole Slaw, 500 gram size, Tesco value potato salad, which they only seem to do in a small, 250 gram, size, drain cleaner, and bottled water (I NEED bottl-ed WA-ter!). Tesco seems to have raised their price on Tesco Value bottled water, from 17 Pence for two litres, to 21 Pence. Of course, I am not happy about that. I also checked the "reduced to clear" area and I found some trout and haddock maked down to under £1, so I grabbed those. I do love fish.
When selecting a checkout aisle, I noticed a short, Oriental woman, who was quite good looking. There was only one person at her till, so I joined the queue. It was only then that I noticed that her aisle is for ten items, or less. Fortunately, I had less than ten. Her complexion was a light brown, so I scanned her name badge, to see if I could ascertain where she was from. It was some complicated, foreign looking name, that I can't even remember, now. She had a funny accent, but rather clear English, like she has spoken the language a long time. Outside, it had started to rain heavily. When she started ringing up my purchases, she made a comment about the rain. I Seized the opportunity to chat with her and joked that the rain was her fault. I couldn't resist my curiosity, so I asked, her, "where are you from?" Sometimes, I am so subtle.
"Nepal," she said, to my surprise.
"Oh, I work with several people from Nepal," I informed her, excitedly. She asked me where I worked at. I tried to explain to her, as it is not far from there and I wondered if she might know any of them. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I tried to tell her, she kept getting it wrong. She mentioned Gurkhas and said her husband worked with the Army, at Sandhurst. Husband. That put a damper on things wetter than the rain outside. The next person in the queue started getting impatient. I said goodbye and made astrategiccwithdrawall.
Nepal featured in Eddie Murphy's 1986 film, "The Golden Child." I loved the film, but it didn't do well at the box office, in America. I don't know how it did in Britain, as I wasn't living here, then and had not yet visited the UK. There is a scene where Eddie is trying to leave Nepal with a sacred dagger. He hides it on a person ahead of him in line at the security check. When the dagger sets off the metal detector, Eddie jumps in and claims to be some sort of policeman, who is on a mission to catch the smuggler of the dagger. While doing fast talking to the Nepalese soldiers there, he yells, "Viva Nepal!" a couple of times. I have wanted to visit Nepal, ever since I saw that film.


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