
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is Iain Lee Trying to Provoke Me?

Last week was a good week for me being on the 3 and 1/2 hour, 3-6:30, Iain Lee Afternoon Wireless Show, which airs on LBC 97.3, London (Sky Channel 0177 or via the net at: ) I was on air with Iain on Thursday, Friday, and on his Sunday night, Triple M show. This is in contrast to the previous week, when I wasn't able to get on at all. Iain complemented me on being able to spell "weighting," when he asked me about "London weighting." For those of you not in southern England, London weighting is the practice of paying a supplement to salaries in London, to compensate for the higher cost of living in London. Iain admitted he used to think it was "waiting," and was a bit stunned that I, a foreigner, knew the correct answer. I pointed out that I am older than him.
When I mentioned Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., an author Iain admires, he was pleased and asked his producer, Agent Chris, to try to get Vonnegut for an interview. Ian also credited me with the insight that many women accuse men of being immature, or ridicule their age, when they have nothing better to say, in an argument.
In contrast to these positives, Iain has previously described my voice as , "scary." On Friday, he described me as, "dull and directionless." I just laughed this off, at the time. I am wondering what's behind it, though. Is Iain trying to stir up some controversy between us, for the sake of the show? He does engage in some playful mock bickering with some of his other regular callers, like Varinder, for example. If he wants some staged disputes between us, on air, then he should let me know, then I can play along.
On a previous occasion, when a woman called the show asking about the American caller, Hunter, because she fancied him. Hunter said he was taken already. I seized the opportunity to call in and remind female listeners that I am American and single. Iain poo-pooed this, saying that if any female listeners did call in and say they liked the sound of me, though he didn't expect any to, he'd give them a hard time. Low and behold, I have had a comment from a young woman on Myspace, who listens to LBC and has complimented me on the sound of my voice. Rather than try to fight it, Iain should just join the growing Joseph in the Bracknell bandwagon. LBC presenter, Alex Thomas, has complimented me on my voice, while Alison Bell has described me as her favorite caller. The lovely Opal Bonfante, who's London Calling show is on the Big L 1395AM, London,(Sky Channel 0190 or via the net, at: ) has described my voice as, "overtly sexual." Eat your heart out, Iain.


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