
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A Quiet Cinqo De Mayo

Of course, yesterday was Cinqo de Mayo. For ten year, I have been saying that I would go out for Cinqo de Mayo, to a Mexican restaurant, here in England. In the past, I always forgot, or, one year, I just couldn't be bothered. Since I have started driving buses, in London, I have seen several Mexican restaurants, in various locations around South London. I almost forgot again, this year, but, at the last minute, I remembered. So, after work, I caught a bus to Spices Yard, in Croydon. There is a Mexican restaurant across the street and that's the nearest one to the garage where I am based. Nobody I sent a text to showed any interest, but I didn't let that stop me. With great anticipation, I walked into the restaurant. It was deserted. There was on couple there and the staff outnumbered the customers. What went wrong?Back home, in New York, Mexican restaurants put on big Cinqo de Mayo celebrations. It's some sort of holiday, in Mexico. This place, in Croydon, was dead as a swine flu victim. There weren't even any signs of the holiday, anywhere. It was midweek and Arsenal were playing Manchester United. Maybe that was it. Even after I wished each staff member a happy Cinqo de Mayo, they each seemed underwhelmed. I had my first margarita ever, order dinner for one, ate, then went home. Has swine flu killed off all Mexican enthusiasm?

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Blogger Ms Fit said...

Hey Joey you really expected to find a swinging "Cinqo de Mayo in Croydon??????????? Swine flu or not it would have made little difference...they just don't do Cinqo de Mayo in the UK and I wish they did.

Since relocating back to London, I just do my own thing, cook some thing Mexican and make my own margaritas....a few of them :)


9:44 AM  

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