Joseph is the New Black: Joseph Comes to Blogger

My friend, Tom, the Injured Cyclist, has been repeatedly urging me to bring my blog to Blogger. He is a loyal reader of the original, on Myspace. Being basically lazy, I resisted his suggestion for some time. This Saturday, Tom and I spent the day together, after I finished taping a development project for a new TV show. Tom pressed his case, so I have finally decided to give it a try. Tom is pictured below and that's me, to the right. Hopefully, I will reach a new audience, here. Please remember that nothing I write is intended to offend anyone. I am a bit opinionated, but what I say is usually intended in a spirit of good fun and humor. If you don't agree with anything I say, don't get upset. Remember, it's just me talking. So, sit back and enjoy, and remember the old Vulcan proverb, "there's no offense where none is taken." Comments are encouraged and welcomed, so long as they are in good taste.

I think they look fine.
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